
How to Check if a Intended Company Name is already taken in Nigeria

Sometimes clients go all the way to designing logos and branding only to discover the name has been taken already, I understand the need to start your business as quickly as possible especially if you don't have money or time for registration at the moment. there is an easy way to verify your chosen names aren't taken already. Simply visit the CAC Search Portal and Input the Company name in the search box WITHOUT any prefix like ltd, plc etc Tick "I am not a robot" and complete the Captcha, the Click Submit That's all! If the Name has been registered, the company would show up in the results along with the RC number, Address and date of registration. Connect with Kilojo call/Whatsapp: 07018880219 Email:

3 things to get right when starting your Business

As a graphics designer, I spend most of my time interacting with new people most of who are starting new businesses. There are several Key things that can make or break your business as it kicks off. To my surprise, most clients haven’t done or even know they should do certain things to ensure business starts off well 1.        Competitors Research This is one of the first things if not the first thing one should do if you are thinking of starting a business, no matter how small or big a start you have in mind. For example if you are thinking of starting a restaurant. You should check out other restaurants, it doesn’t matter if they are your immediate competitors or far from your vicinity. Check as many as you can out but make sure you cover both in your research. Look at things like location, exterior and interior setting, schedule, how big a workforce in relation to how big the restaurant is, these are just the basic, then you go into more in-depth details find out what makes

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